GenerativeComponents Help

Show Namespaces

Used to open Namespaces dialog that lists all namespaces supplied with the application and those additionally created namespaces.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: Computational Design > Model > Node Types > Namespaces
  • Toolbox - Script

Namespaces associated with each class are maintained in the Namespaces dialog. The Namespaces dialog list can be viewed for non-user namespaces and show object type . The dialog lists the available namespaces, let them view including non-user namespaces and object types and set a namespace as default for newly created objects or types. You can create a new top level namespace or create a sub-namespace within selected namespace.
Namespace list Lists the namespaces available in the GenerativeComponents domain.
Show non-user namespaces When set, the namespace list includes those default namespaces supplied with application.
Show object types When set, the namespace list includes object types in the namespaces.
Collapse All Collapses the tree of namespace list that was expanded, and only top level namespace groups are shown.
Refresh Changes made to the namespace, their attributes and any namespace added through script will be amended in the namespace list.
Right click options The right-click options differ depending on the level the namespace is selected in the tree.

  • Set as the default namespace for all newly created objects – the selected namespace is set as a default object namespace for all new objects, and marked "O".
  • Set as the default namespace for all newly created types – the selected namespace is set as a default namespace for all new types, and marked "T".
  • Make a priority namespace – the selected namespace is searches on priority than other namespaces, and marked with a binoculars icon.
  • Create a top-level namespace – opens Create a New Top Level Namespace dialog that accepts a string to name the new namespace.

    When clicked OK, the newly created namespace will be listed in the namespace tree in the same level of the selected namespace.

  • Create a sub-level namespace – opens Create a New Sub Namespace dialog that accepts a string to name the new namespace.

    When clicked OK, the newly created namespace will be listed in the namespace tree in the sub level of the selected namespace.

  • Delete the namespace – removed the selected namespace from the list; the option is enabled only for non-system namespaces, such as those created in above example.
  • Copy the name – copies the name string of the selected namespace in the clipboard. For namespaces in sub levels, an additional menu option "copy the name including the top level name(s)" is displayed.